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Beautiful White Flowers

White is the color of purity and innocence and these gorgeous flowers add almost a touch of winter to the summer landscape with their snowy color.

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Walking through a field of wild daisies like in the image above is an enchanting way to spend a summer afternoon.




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On a spring morning in March, one of the first bees of the year was pollinating a flower bush in the yard.


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A good way to relieve stress is to take a walk or go biking out in nature. If you stop along the way every now and then and just take a moment to relax, try to listen to the sounds, breathe the fresh air and look all around you. It is amazing what you will see. Nothing man made can replace this natural beauty around you.


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Before elder berries get their rich purple color, they are blooming in white during the late spring months.


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A lake covered with green lilypads was embellished with lovely white lilys.


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Every year during spring, these trees blooming in white stretch towards the blue sky. The contrast is so pretty and it almost looks like the trees are covered with snow.


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These gentle looking white wild flowers stand out beautifully against the green leaves.


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A white rose is the most innocent of them all.


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What child has not yet plucked a dandelion to blow at it?


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What a wonderful sight. Two bees are pollinating a spring crocus flower.






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