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Paestum is located in the province of Solerno in Campania, Italy and is a UNESCO World Heritage Sight since 1998. Here you will find the ruins of the ancient Greek city plus 3 large and well preserved Greek Temples which are open to the public to walk on and admire. The entrance fee for the site is 9.00 per person (as of June 2017).

Paestum 1

Here you see a view of the two Hera Temples. The one on the right is the first temple of the Hera from around 550 B.C. (also known as the Basilica) and the one on the left the second temple of the Hera from around 450 B.C. (also known as the Neptune Temple).




Paestum 2
You can walk onto both of the sites and get a feeling for the size of them.


Paestum 3
This Temple of the Athena from around the end of the sixth century B.C. is located at the backside of the site and is smaller than the former temples, but just as impressive. It is not allowed to get any closer to it.


Paestum 4
This is another view of the Neptune Temple.


Paestum 5
Many remains of the former city walls can be seen at the site.


Paestum 6
The roof of a heroon. The shingles are large and still well intact.


Paestum 7
The ancient roads are still in good condition.


Paestum 8
According to the sign at the site, this was the comitium or where the assemblies of the Roman courts gathered to elect magistrates and where popular assemblies were held.


Paestum 9
The ekklesiasterion or the council chamber


Paestum 10
Remaining walls of Roman houses






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