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Solfatara Volcano

This volcano is located at the Phlegrean fields not too far from Naples, Italy. This volcano is interesting to visit because of the different natural activity going on. The entrance fee as of June 2017 was 8 Euros per person and parking costed 3 Euros. Once you drive onto the parking lot for cars, you have to go inside the building nearby to pay. You receive a little information pamphlet and then can continue on to your destination. At each site of natural activity, there are information signs explaining them.

Beware that because of the sulphur gas, it will stink at certain areas once you enter the area of the crater. But that is part of the experience.

There is also a camping area and a children’s play area at the beginning of the park before the volcano area. School classes seem to spend time there, too.

Solfatara Volcano 1

This image shows you the way you go after you pay the entrance fee. The pathway is less steep than that of Mount Vesuvius and not as long, either.




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Once you Here you can see how the sulphur fumes have colored the rocks. A little steam was rising from this point and the smell of it was very distinctive.


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From there, you will follow the path that takes you down into the rim. Follow along the fence and also head towards the center as well.


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The view upwards is also beautiful. It is hard to believe you are at the top of a volcano.


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According to a sign close by, around the Middle Ages, 40 hot springs were active in the Phlegrean fields. One of them was here at this location, “The Pozzo”. The mineral water was used for spa treatments of diseases and skin problems. Many experiments were conducted with these waters during later years as well.


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At the center you will find this pool of bubbly mud.


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This is the area of the “Bocca Grande”. Here you can observe the steam rising out of the ground. It is not only smelly, but the sizzling sound is really interesting to listen to.


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Further up from the previous picture is more locations of activity. As we were there, the steam intensity increased which made it even more interesting to see.


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These sudatories or ovens are natural caves and were believed to treat respiratory diseases, rheumatism and skin diseases to those entering them. They were so hot and have the names of “Hell” and “Purgatory”.


Solfatara Volcano 10
Two more pools of bubbling mud. The sound of them is really amazing and the natural mud was believed to treat rheumatic diseases.






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