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Carneval in Venice 2017

If you could choose any time to be in Venice and get the most out of the city, then February is an excellent choice. It can get quite chilly but there are much less tourists than during warmer months of the year and you can enjoy the Carneval. Not only is the whole city in what seems like a good mood, you can get glimpses of some most magnificent costumes. The images below show how some Venetians go out of their way to dress up celebrate Carneval in a special way. One could take pictures all day of them.

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The image above shows one of the beautifully costumed women at St. Mark’s Square.




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So many exquisite and dazzling details can be seen on many of the masks and dresses.


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Meet Mr. and Mrs. Skeleton all dressed up for the occasion.


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This is a friendly and handsome couple.


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For just a short moment, it is like stepping back into time.


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Each costumed person was just as friendly as could be. They do not ask for anything to have photographs made with of of them and their appearance just enhance the square even more.


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This gentleman looked remarkable and elegant all dressed in black and gold.


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This costume looked amazing with all of the fancy details.


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The Venetians put a lot of thought into their costumes and all looked stunning in their attire.


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This friendly group allowed many of the tourists have their photographs made with them.


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Isn’s she gorgeous with her enchanting looking dress?






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